Although Pilates has been around for ages; when it became mainstream around the time Y2K rolled in, the fitness phenomenon that help popularize it all…

Did you ever notice that when you workout, the only thing you can think of doing after is pigging out? Well you are not alone.…

Age ain’t nothing but a number, however when it comes to your personal fitness and being a healthy RAD chick, your date of birth can…

Age ain’t nothing but a number, however when it comes to your personal fitness and being a healthy RAD chick, your date of birth can…

Pregnancy can be both an exciting yet stressful time. As women try to keep up with all of the rules about what to eat, what…

Considering that we live in a society where about one in three American kids and teens is overweight or obese, I strongly believe that youth…

Healthy eating doesn’t have to be a chore!  If you want to live better or even achieve that hot body…check out Terry’s alternatives to the bad food you are eating now!  Listen to the interview below!

Are your favorite days after Fridays “cheat days?” Then you are going to love this advice I’ve recently hunted down from Dr. Susie Rockway, a…

This is the second installment of #GetFitFridays with @JJOnTheMic and personal trainer @Antanique. Get ready to do some lower body workouts! WATCH the first episode here: RELATED: Our Motivation! Kelly Rowland Flaunts Her Abs Of Steal For Shape RELATED: Hula Hoop Your Way To Improved Physical & Mental Health RELATED: JJ’s Blog: Who Run It? [Sticking With Your […]

Did you know that Americans are so fixated on social networks that they spend an average of 16 minutes out of every hour on them?…

Trying to be loser? Well here’s the good news: In the last decade, I have helped transform many lives and bodies as a personal trainer.…