
Do you like spicy foods?  If you do, your taste buds may be onto something. The Journal of Proteome Research just released a study that says spicy substances may trigger protein changes in the body that assist with weight loss and fights fat storage.  The key ingredient, capsaicin is what researchers think is the catalyst […]


Being in tune with our bodies is important as we grow older.  As we age, our metabolism slows down and we must challenge ourselves to stay healthy and fit.   Have you ever seen someone with extra weight that looks older?  Have you ever met someone who looks  fit and in top shape and looks […]

Have you ever wished you could be one of those evil women who constantly broadcast to the world that they eat greasy chicken wings and fries for lunch everyday and never workout? Well if you want, eat those chicken wings… and the fries too! And skip your daily workout once or twice if you don’t […]