I was just reading an article about how Vitamin D is really important for your general health, especially for African Americans, but most people are lacking it in some way. Sunlight is the best way to get Vitamin D, but with people spending less time outdoors than they have in the past, it’s not shocking […]


"I'm a realist" is the phrase I hear a lot of people say when giving reason to rejecting optimism. However, being optimistic can pay off when you're in a bad mood and are trying to think the best of the situation.

Debrahlee Lorenzana, the woman who was fired from Citicorp after men in the office were distracted by her assets, apparently loves going under the knife and is reported saying “It’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” Plastic surgery seems to be a pastime of hers, as she is getting her fourth bout of […]


The way different people think about time is important to consider because by seeing life from a past, present, or future perspective could affect your life in a variety of ways. While past-oriented people see life as something involved with tradition, future thinkers are always planning for upcoming events, even if they’re years away. Those […]


A doctor from the Cleveland Clinic claims he has developed a vaccine to prevent and possibly cure breast cancer.


I feel an immense sense of freedom. Want to know my secret? I just let go…. That’s it, I let go! I stopped fighting against the current and let the stream of life just flow. I became aware and open to the synchronicities that the universe has in store.


FROM BLACKDOCTOR.ORG: Putting in long hours at the office may help achieve satisfaction at your job, but a new body of evidence indicates that working 10 or 11 hours a day substantially increases the risk of serious heart problems, than those clocking out after seven hours.


FROM BLACKDOCTOR.ORG: Nothing will kill the enthusiasm needed for exercise faster than boredom. Even the most committed people will admit that, sometimes, putting one foot in front of the other can get a little old — especially if you’re covering the same old route or the same old piece of treadmill-rubber day after day. Almost […]


Meet Ardi Rizal, a two-year-old Sumatran baby who smokes some forty cigarettes a day. The government has offered to buy his parents a car if he stops, but they claim he gets too angry without smokes.


FROM SHINE.COM: Our early lives are filled with ceremonial doors to pass through, with the beginning and end of each school year (not to mention semesters and midterms) providing structure and a feeling of progression for the first eighteen years of our lives. Then, without warning, we are thrust into a world with its seemingly […]


A visit to your local barber may get you more than a haircut in on May 22, 2010.


Soon after Paul Coskie’s bicycle collided with a car, it became clear to his mother that her son would be sick for a very long time, and indeed he was. The 13-year-old boy went into a coma for a month and spent six months total in the hospital. What his mother didn’t know at the […]