
Rodney James Hess, 36, was fatally shot by a Tennessee police official on Thursday.

First it wasn’t being released on Christmas… then Sony canceled it… and now they’ve changed their minds “The Interview” starring the hilarious Seth Rogan and James Franco is hitting theaters Christmas day, despite threats allegedly made from North Korea.  After the threats and Sony’s email leaks, we weren’t sure if the move would see the […]

(Austin, TX)  —  An El Paso, Texas man is facing charges for allegedly urinating on the Alamo.  Authorities arrested 21-year-old Daniel Athens Saturday night.  He was charged with public intoxication and urinating in public.  Athens could face another charge of desecrating a landmark.  ###  Jessica D’Amico/Amber Browne/dcr/acc    Copyright © 2012  Metro Networks Inc. 04-16-2012 02:53:25