It is National Black/Latino HIV/AIDS Awareness Day! Do you know your status? Listen to Hattie’s story of how we has lived with HIV at the age 61 and is still loving life!

H-Town reports that Texas Congressman Ron Paul is defending the comments he wrote in his 1987 book “Freedom Under Seige” about AIDS patients. Read More

In acknowledgement of today beingWorld Aids Day, we reflect on its impact in Hip Hop Culture and remember Eazy E.  A controversial and iconic figure, Eazy E lost his fight with AIDS on March 26th 1995. Source


I had a chance to talk to a Transgender person with HIV back in June for National HIV Testing Day. Check out her story.

via: In the United States, more than 6,500 people are waiting for HIV/AIDS drugs from a government program. The AIDS Drug Assistance Program provides medication to people with HIV/AIDS who are uninsured, low-income and otherwise unable to afford the life-saving drugs. These drugs can cost upwards of $4,000 a month. In 12 states, ADAP […]

New Music

Rapper Lil B made headlines earlier this year when he chose to name his album I’m Gay.  The 21-year-old explained the bold move to CNN stating, “I hope that I can turn some of my fans that might be homophobic or supporters that might be homophobic and say, ‘You know what, we’re all one people. […]

North East Campus Houston Community College. KNOW YOUR STATUS People are coming out to get tested, and get their ticket for the HIP-HOP FOR HIV CONCERT July 30, 2011.

At least 75% of babies born to HIV positive mothers will test HIV negative without medical intervention.Studies have shown that for properly nourished HIV positive expectant mothers receiving regular prenatal care, over 90% of their children test negative with no drug therapy.What happens when your child tests positive for HIV? UN Launches New AIDS Prevention […]

HIV and AIDS are not the same thing… HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a virus that attacks and breaks down the body’s immune system – the “internal defense force” that fights off infections and disease. When the immune system becomes weak, we lose our protection against illness and can develop serious, often life-threatening, infections and […]

Houston ranks 8th nationally in the number of total reported AIDS cases African American and Hispanic women together represent less than 25% of all U.S. women, yet they account for more than 78% of AIDS cases reported to date among women. Today, 40 million people worldwide are estimated to be living with HIV/AIDS An estimated […]


The 30-year battle against AIDS is an unbelievable chapter in the history of medicine and 30 years later more than 60-million people around the world have been diagnosed with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. And of those, 25-million people have died as there is no cure. On June 5, 1981, a bombshell quietly exploded […]