Radio One Exclusives

Kayne West takes to Twitter with a sporadic tweet and delete series of statuses ranging from Shia ghosting him on a GAP photoshoot, a Drake exodus, Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner bringing a doctor to lock him up, North and Playboy, the movie Get Out and more.

The longtime Congressman and Civil Rights pioneer passed away on Friday night from prostate cancer.

Tory Lanez could be facing more trouble as the LAPD are opening up an investigation as to how Megan Thee Stallion was shot twice.

Cannon apologized and feels "ashamed" over remarks he made on his Cannon's Class podcast.

Thee Stallion clarifies what happened on Sunday in Hollywood, sharing the details that she was shot in the foot.

Williams and several other noted celebrities were released after they protested at the house of Kentucky AG Daniel Cameron. They're facing felony trespass charges.

While Tory was booked, Megan was hospitalized with a glass wound to her foot.

Westbrook confirmed his positive test on Monday as the reason he's yet to join the Rockets in Orlando.

Rivera's body was discovered Monday at Lake Piru, the site of her disappearance last week.