
The untold story behind the aloha, a Hawaiian word that’s meaning is compassion, peace and love. This ran throughout the Selema-to-Montgomery march in Alabama 50 years ago. During the March 21, 1965, march, you see Dr. Martin Luther King, John Lewis and many other demonstrators wearing the “iconic Hawaiian” flowery leis around their necks. The […]

Three Ferguson employees are currently out of jobs after racist emails discovered during the course of the U.S. Department of Justice’s investigation of the city’s…

    It has been announced that the Spring of 2015 will see the release of Diary of a Madman: The Geto Boys, Life, Death, and…

The NY Giants tight end Larry Donnell was one of the passengers on the airplane that went skidding on the LaGuardia runway yesterday. Yesterday after exiting the plane, Donnell took a vid and a pic and posted it on IG with a caption under it, “Look at this s**t! Knew I shoulda stayed my a** at home!” […]

Andrew Jackson, the seventh president of the United States, has been the face of the $20 bill since 1928. 87 years later, a women’s group…

On Tuesday, the Department of Justice found Ferguson’s Police Department guilty of racially charged practices (that targeted Black residents). But they also concluded that former cop…

Following last year’s extremely sad and highly publicized case of Janay and Ray Rice, American sport leagues have felt the pressure to respond sensitively and efficiently to…

This upcoming weekend is an emotional one because it marks the 50th anniversary of the iconic and groundbreaking marches from Selma to Montgomery in Alabama. Initiated…

One Black gay man has shared his thoughts on why Patricia Arquette’s call for wage equality may not be the most pressing matter for women…

Two filmmakers are taking bringing humor to the challenge of teaching Black kids to love their natural hair, but they might need you to chip…

Seniors gearing up for graduation at Howard University can breathe a little easier now; the Mecca is implementing a new practice that will surely lower…

Let Girls Learn officially launched at a special presentation at The White House on Tuesday. Let Girls Learn is a global effort to promote education…