We need a more accurate picture of Dr. King and his message for the sake of his legacy.

Actress and producer Jada Pinkett Smith took to social media to express her disappointment

Benson explained he doesn't use checks for payments, which is why he took out so much money to purchase a high-end vehicle.

Biden opted not to enter the race after he lost his son, Beau Biden, to cancer at the young age of 46.

Tired of minorities in your dating pool? Bizarrely enough, there's a dating website for that.

Lark Voorhies, aka "she'll always be Lisa Turtle to us," is apparently no longer an African-American.

Police thought Barbara Dawson was "making herself dead weight" to avoid going to jail, according to a police report released Monday.


Police took Rothenberg into custody without incident, later charging her with first-degree threatening, seven counts of reckless endangerment and interfering with police and second-degree breach of peace.

After disagreeing on a $5.3 million commission for the flag and repairs for the museum, a $3.6 million budget was considered.

The Metro Transit Police Department has released a report highlighting the racial disparities among public transit riders in Minneapolis-St. Paul, namely that Black adults are more likely to receive fines than their White counterparts. The data collected by the Metro Transit Police Department focused on the amount of fines given to those who could not pay public transit fares in the […]

All we've got for this are three words: 2000-and-late.

Dontre Hamilton, 31, was shot 14 times in April 2014 by former officer Christopher Manney, who said he fired in self-defense.