Donald Trump spewed lethal rhetoric at Monday night's debate, echoing disparaging statements about the Black community and President Barack Obama.

National security, the fight against ISIS and the role of Muslims in American society are expected to be the main topics of discussion at the fifth and final GOP debate of the year.

The University of Houston has been selected by NBC News and Telemundo to host the ‘Super Tuesday’ Republican presidential debate. The debate will be held on February 26, 2016. The debate, sanctioned by the Republican National Committee, is slated to be the final GOP debate before the crucial “Super Tuesday” primary contests in Texas, Alabama, […]


Real estate mogul, devout friend to the Republican party, and now all-round bellyacherDonald Trump should be eating crow right about now but instead, he chose to lambast President Barack Obama on Twitter forwinning his consecutive bid for the presidency on Tuesday night. The offensively coiffed trillionaire’s Twitter meltdown was a juvenile display of sour grapes after Obama decisively defeated the Republican candidate Mitt Romney: Click here […]

Last night in Boca Raton, Fl was the last of the three Presidential debates between President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney. The topic was supposed to be about foreign policy, but it strayed into the economy, jobs and other previous talking points. Who do you think won the debate? Take the poll by texting […]

News, Obama

via: The expectations are very different for Obama vs. Romney, Round 2. And the stakes are enormous. Democrats are nervous. A race many of them thought was a lock just a few weeks ago is now a dead heat, the momentum with the other side. See More

via; With its wonky arguments about taxes and health care, Wednesday’s presidential debate may not have been the most riveting 90 minutes of the 2012 campaign. But the faceoff between President Obama and GOP challenger Mitt Romney produced no shortage of humor on Twitter, where observers cracked jokes about everything from Romney’s perceived swipe […]

The presidential debates can be both exhilarating and stressful for viewers as they watch they’re favorite candidates duke it out. So to lighten the mood has created a drinking game strictly for the presidential debates. For instance, if Barack Obama uses the phrase“Let Me Be Clear,” then bottoms up! Check out this hilarious game and have a little fun with the […]

He’s seen many debates over the years, so is tonight’s debate between President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney any different than debates past? ABC’s Sam Donaldson joins Lana and JP on our sister station News 92 FM to discuss what we can expect from both candidates, and how this debate may differ from those in previous years. […]