Entertainment News

In a recent interview with Ryan Seacrest, Kanye West sat down and discussed his fiancee Kim Kardashian and his new baby daughter North West. RELATED: Footage…

It’s Day 3 of the federal government shutdown.  The President says he’s “exasperated,” after another closed door meeting that ended up in another stalemate. Perhaps America can learn something from the Australian Government shutdown of 1975.  After the 1975 shutdown, a representative of Queen Elizabeth II, dismissed and replaced then Prime Minister Gough Whitlam.  A […]

President Obama‘s health care overhaul aka Obamacare and The Affordable Care Act will open, while the government shuts down. It is being reported that the…


According to EurWeb.Com Samuel L. Jackson has some issues with the way President Obama handles things.  In a recent interview, Jackson was asked about his feelings on educated people (like President Obama) who drop the endings of words to sound more like the guy next door. Here’s what his response was (in his interview with […]

President Obama made his sixth appearance on “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno” Tuesday evening and he talked about everything from the death of Trayvon…

In the wake of George Zimmerman’s not-guilty verdict, President Obama is asking all citizens to have a “calm reflection.” “I know those passions may be…

As first reported NewsOne.com… As much of a picture of beauty and sophistication Michelle Obama is, she will let you know when she isn’t to…

  In setting the record straight on Jay-Z’s ”Open Letter” claim that President Obama sanctioned his trip to Cuba, White House Press secretary Jay Carney quipped that…

Lady Gaga Cancels Tour Lady Gaga has canceled the rest of her tour dates due to a hip injury. Gaga has been forced to cancel…

Even though Beyonce had a premiere party for her latest documentary, “Life Is But A Dream,” “Real Husbands of Hollywood” was on and we’re not…

President Barack Obama is joined by First Lady, Michelle Obama and his lovely daughters, Sasha and Malia as he proudly salutes the crowd in Chicago…

President Obama’s inauguration after-party apparently featured a dance off between Young Barry and Usher Raymond, presumably Michelle Obama twirking something to “Single Ladies,” and the…