

WASHINGTON (AP) — After a half-century of Cold War acrimony, the United States and Cuba moved on Wednesday to restore diplomatic relations – a historic…

(Undated)  —  Hollywood is reacting to Sony’s decision to pull the release of “The Interview” following terror threats linked to the movie.  On Twitter, late night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel called it “an act of cowardice that validates terrorist actions and sets a terrifying precedent.”  Actor Rob Lowe tweeted his opinion that “everyone caved” […]

(Undated)  —  Sony is scuttling its plans to release its controversial comedy “The Interview” on Christmas Day.  The studio announced Wednesday it was canceling the release of the film after major theater chains dropped the movie citing a terror threat posted by hackers on Tuesday.  In a statement, the theater said it respected the decision […]

In July, we reported on the rape of 16-year-old Jada, who had been drugged and sexually assaulted at a party. After violating her body, her rapists…

KG Smooth was on the move at Super Target for HPD’s Shop with a Cop event where kids got to shop with their favorite Houston Texans players and the Houston Police! See what all went down with the kids, the cops and the players in the video above.

A star witness in the grand jury case involving former Ferguson, Mo police officer Darren Wilson has been revealed to be a racist suffering from mental illness with…

Check out the latest video from H-Town’s own G.T Garza – “Young Mexico.”  If you haven’t copped his album, get it HERE @DJBRyte

250 protestors in Oakland surrounded the city’s police headquarters today and blocked entrances as they shouted “Silence is Violence”, “Black and Breathing” and held signs…

You won’t want to miss this deadline: Amazon’s free Christmas shipping ends Tuesday. Shopping online for last minute gifts is no surprise to, so they’ve…

Sydney police confirmed early Tuesday the hostage situation in a downtown chocolate store is over. Lindt Chocolat Cafe in downtown Sydney was sieged by a suspected Iranian-born gunman…

“Saturday was one of the few times the boys had been allowed to walk out on the South Side streets alone,” their grandmother, Bernice Fitzpatrick…


Washington, D.C. hosted the most high-profile and traditional of Saturday’s protests against racial bias in the legal system.  The march and rally was organized by National Action…