
A video of a Kentucky officer restraining an eight-year-old boy in handcuffs for over 15 minutes is the focus of a lawsuit enacted by the…


Police in Washington D.C. are looking for seven suspects who allegedly forced a man into a van at gunpoint and sexually assaulted him.

Senate Democratic leaders on Monday blocked a procedural vote that would have cut funding for Planned Parenthood, according to The Huffington Post. Republican leaders needed…

As Baltimore city officials called on the federal government to help address a deadly spike in violence, the highest in 43 years

Sandra Bland's family announced the filing of a lawsuit against officials in Houston involved in her arrest and death.


If you didn't know, August 4 marks President Obama's 54th birthday. To celebrate his age, full of wisdom and knowledge, we've decided to

A 2009 incident with an Italian photographer has come back to haunt supermodel Naomi Campbell.

According to Zimbabwe's environment minister, Oppah Muchinguri, the American hunter who killed Cecil the Lion should be extradited

NewsOne’s Top 5 takes a quick look at the stories trending on that you are talking about. Donald Trump: Obama Has “Set A Very…

They say summer is the perfect time for family reunions, and for all intents and purposes, that’s just what this is. It’s Saturday night, and…

Kraft has recalled 36,000 cases of its popular Singles American and White American cheese after several people reported choking on the product, NBC News reports. “A piece…

President Barack Obama announced the final version of the Clean Power Plan on Sunday morning. The plan is projected to cost $8.4 billion and will most…