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4. You Are So Close

I remember many times in my 31 years of life when things felt unbearably hard. Quitting was every other thought and joy was very hard to find. I would complain to anyone who would listen and while some people would serve as encouragement, some would support my fall and encourage me to quit.

However…my mom. Her response always stayed the same, “You are so close Robbie. You think this is a surprise to God? The reason why it is so tough is because you are so close.” Hello mile 22-26.2. These miles were by far the toughest, I was delirious, crying (the ugly cry y’all), begging for it all to be over and literally on my last leg (both which were now wrapped in ace bandages). But then, I thought about all the miles that were behind me and remembered “why” I was out there in the first place. I was so close to the finish line and while the pain was unbearable I had to make up in my mind to be unstoppable and cross over into my destiny. So no matter how tough it gets, don’t give up–you are sooooooo close.

4. Don’t Let Your Past Become Your Present

There were several times during both my training and especially during the race that my injury acted up. Sometimes it was imagined and sometimes it was real (see “Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Help” below). However, each time I had to recognize it for what it was. My past. I was injured last year. I am healed this year.

When you focus on what happened to you in the past too much, it can and will resurface in the present. Whenever my injury starts to act up today, nine times out of 10, it is me babying it and/or overt-hinking it. Let go and run in your newness. You are not that out-of-control teenager anymore. You are not worthless like that bully told you in grade school. Just because your last relationship didn’t work out doesn’t mean the one you are currently in will fail too. Yeah they laid you off, but your real passion may be staring you in the face if you just looked up at it. You are healed, so don’t let your past become your present.

My Destiny Run: 10 Things Running A Marathon Taught Me About Life  was originally published on

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