Holiday Guide

James Bond and Batman were both known for one thing…gadgets. If you’ve ever seen either man in action, you know that the strength of their…

He takes care of you and the kids (his or not), holds down the house, does dishes, takes out the trash (without being asked), kills…

Don’t let being broke stop you from enjoying a great date with that special someone! Here are some great places in Houston to take a date that won’t cost you a dime!!! CLICK HERE TO GET THE SCOOP!    

Men have been known to peg women as a complicated species, claiming that women are hard to understand. Built with a complexity of emotions too difficult at times to sort through. In my own experience, I have dated at length a gentleman who is in all ways nonchalant, passive, easy-going and relaxed. UNTIL… dun dun […]


Via HelloBeautiful.Com Chicago’s Urban Prep Academy proves that the Windy City has more to offer than tragic news about gang violence and young lives gone too soon. For the fourth year in a row, 100 percent of graduating seniors from the all-male charter school are college bound to four-year universities. “The students of the Urban […]

JJ's Blog

So act like it. Life experiences have taught me a lot about myself.  I realized that I never really understood my self-worth. My father would constantly tell me “Jillian, you are a treasure.” I never took that to mean anything other than he really loved me. I’ve always heard about people searching for treasures in […]

Not everyone can ball on Valentine’s Day with Roses, chocolates, etc.  So check out these few tips to help that lady in your life feel special on Valentine’s Day!  CLICK HERE!

JJ's Blog

I was really frustrated by a recent conversation I had with this guy.  He told me that I am single because I don’t know what I want.  Just when I wanted to roll my eyes, twist my neck and go clean off,  I began to tell him that I am actually single because I DO […]

I saw this list this morning of the things that women REALLY want and I decided to share this because it was actually pretty accurate!  Pass it along!  CLICK HERE!


I know a lot of “traditional” women who want to be asked out by a man and will wait and wait and wait until it happens.  But in 2012, it seems things have taking a drastic role change.  What do you think?  Is it ok for a woman to ask a man out on a […]


My friend sent me this article yesterday claiming that we may be too picky and this is why we are single.  This is a cute survey…check it out and see if you are picky. And by the way, I’m not picky. :) CLICK HERE TO SEE THE SURVEY!