It feels dope to be able to say that I was at a major event that’s going down in the history books. I learned a lot out in DC last weekend for Justice Or Else (the 20th Anniversary of the Million Man March). On Facebook/instagram/twitter/snapchat, I saw a lot of people expressing their concern and frustrations […]

S/O to @cspan for being the only Major News outlet to Broadcast the #MillionManMarch #MMM15 — T. Green #tdz1300 (@tdz1300) October 10, 2015 It’s a very contentious time in America as it pertains to race relations. Twenty years after the 1995 Million Man March, we’ve made progress with the election of the first black President, […]


When I left the mall that day, I knew these stories had to be told in order to be understood. I also realized that the March was just as much for healing as it was for justice. People needed to heal from their wounds of injustice and who better to do that with than thousands of people who feel what you feel.

Round Of Applause  Finger Snaps to Taju Shoaga for being a young man of color speaking up about what’s going on in the world today. There aren’t enough of us using our voices in hopes of creating a better place to live in. This couldn’t have come at a better time, because I’m headed to […]