“Lynching in America: Confronting the Legacy of Racial Terror” unflinchingly explores America’s brutal history of lynching and provides a powerful history lesson, using individual stories that show, despite “emancipation,” thousands of African Americans were brutally murdered in this country in the name of the White supremacist status quo.

"Captain America: Civil War" is heading to theaters this week, and we'll get to see a few new characters make their debut into the Marvel Universe.

Michael Boulware Moore's great-great-grandfather was Robert Smalls, who in 1862 took command of a Confederate ship and turned it over to the Union.

After disagreeing on a $5.3 million commission for the flag and repairs for the museum, a $3.6 million budget was considered.

On Sunday, Anthony Hervey, a 49-year-old Black man from Oxford, Mississippi known for supporting the state Confederate flag, was killed in a car accident. Hervey’s 2005…