Published reports indicate that the Stafford police department in collaboration with Fort Bend police are investigating an incident involving a newborn’s body which was found…

Houston police are awaiting autopsy results on a man found dead at 6500 Fairbanks North Houston about 10:35 a.m. Monday. The cause of the man’s…


Just because the area below are necks is rarely exposed, doesn’t mean that it should be neglected. If you knew that skin was the largest organ (which it is), then why wouldn’t you care for it from head to toe? It makes sense that our bodies are rarely, if ever, given as much attention because our faces are usually the most exposed part of […]

While ankle injuries like sprains and breaks are common in our society (especially for those avid athletes and children whose bones are still growing), is this necessarily something that SHOULD be expected to happen? I was just reading an article about how obesity can cause a strain on the feet (as well as the knees, […]