

A customer who dined at Denny’s in Federal Way, Washington accused a manager and waitress of racism.

Las Vegas prison officials released O.J. Simpson on Oct. 1 after the paroled ex-football player served nine years of a 33-year sentence.

A memo obtained by AP says there is no exception for any of the NBA's 30 teams.


The funeral for Kenneka Jenkins, a teen whose body was discovered in a Chicago hotel, will take place on Saturday.

In the wake of Hurricane Maria, which has left thousands of Puerto Ricans in wreckage and without basic living necessities, President Trump couldn’t resist attacking San Juan, Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz this morning for allegedly calling out the White House’s relief efforts. In a series of harsh tweets, he says the island displayed “poor leadership ability” […]


President Donald Trump took to Twitter to bash San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz over Hurricane Maria relief efforts.


While confederate monuments are being protested across the nation, Philadelphia erects its own monument to Black Civil War hero Octavius Catto.

Eighteen-year-old  Xavier Olesko thought he was going to hang out with three acquaintances on the evening of September 18. Instead, he was shot to death in a northwestern suburb of Fort Worth, Texas.

A Louisiana superintendent threatened punishment against students who refuse to stand during the national anthem Wednesday, just days after Trump made a controversial call against recent NFL protests.

Lawyers for the five women last week filed a class-action lawsuit against former LaRue County High School Principal Stephen Kyle Goodlett, 37, and the Kentucky county’s school district.

A racially-charged incident involving racist slurs scrawled outside of Black cadets dorm rooms at the U.S. Air Force Academy preparatory school was met with a lieutenant general's fierce rebuke Thursday.