
Kelly Forostiak, a 24-year-old White Maryland school teacher, is under fire for posting several degrading, racist images of her students on her private Instagram page.

Former New York Lt. Gov. Betsy McCaughey displayed an incredible reach when she quoted a Beyonce lyric in an effort to criticize Hillary Clinton.


NewsOne invites you to attend the 2 P.M. event on Tuesday that tackles mainstream and social media perceptions of Black men.


Issa Rae, creator of the popular Awkward Black Girl series, hit a major milestone on Sunday with the debut of her new project Insecure.

A gunman fatally shot a New York anti-violence activist in Miami. The police say he was an unintended target.

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg called the National Anthem protests "dumb" and disrespectful in an interview with Katie Couric.

“Lynching in America: Confronting the Legacy of Racial Terror” unflinchingly explores America’s brutal history of lynching and provides a powerful history lesson, using individual stories that show, despite “emancipation,” thousands of African Americans were brutally murdered in this country in the name of the White supremacist status quo.


Last fall, students at The University of Missouri-Columbia used social media and public protest to challenge their school’s racist campus culture. Their efforts led to their football team striking, their president resigning and an eventual $1 million initiative from their university aimed at staff diversity. Exactly one year after the Homecoming parade that sparked their movement, their example […]


The Black Men Speak video is being released Tuesday in conjunction with the daylong event, Black Male Re-imagined III, in Washington, D.C.

Two important additions were included in the revamped policy; a fleeing suspect must present an "immediate threat," for officers to use deadly force, and if an officer abuses the restriction, fellow officers are held accountable to intervene.

Douglas Muir, an adjunct professor at the University of Virginia, faces scrutiny after posting a disparaging message on Facebook aimed at Black Lives Matter.

Several universities are experimenting with "White Identity Retreats" to calm rising racial tensions on campuses. White students will learn about personal and systemic facets of White privilege.