

Donald Trump wins, but we will never lose.

One guy perfectly described how most Clinton supporters feel following her loss.

Desiray Strickland has been indicted for first-degree murder in the machete attack death of 17-year-old Jose Guardado.


Scores of New Yorkers took to the streets on Wednesday to express their discontent with Donald Trump's election win.

Anti-racism protesters rally at the U.S. embassy in London against Donald Trump's victory. The demonstrators accuse Trump of normalizing hatred.

The father of a slain Dallas cop sues Black Lives Matter. His lawsuit alleges that the group's message inspired the deadly sniper attack that killed five officers in Dallas.

Homepage Lead, National

Just a few things this election didn't screw up.


In the aftermath of Trump's win, Roland Martin and his panel of guests discussed what is next for Black America.

For categorization purposes, I am considered a millennial. But two things are very clear, when I enter the room—I am a woman and I am Black.

While the fraction of the country who elected him feels secure, there's been an overwhelming sense of fear and disgust culminating in the hashtag #NotMyPresident.

Anger, frustration and fear took over many Americans after Donald Trump's shocking presidential victory.

Throughout the 2016 election coverage and campaigning, we saw just how dangerous things could turn when Donald Trump supporters and Hillary Clinton supporters were all in the same place. While casting their ballot at a Michigan poll site, things got crazy between a few voters. A video making it’s rounds on the internet shows a […]