
A Howard County high school teacher who was placed on administrative leave comes back after administrators investigate offensive lesson.

President Barack Obama held a day of action at the White House on Friday.

Scott's shooting marked a defining moment in furthering the national discussion of deadly force used by law enforcement against Black men and women.

Ifill died Monday in hospice care, where she was surrounded by friends and family.

A Chili's Bar & Grill in Dallas, Texas, apologized after refusing to give a Black veteran a free meal in celebration of Veteran's Day, The Dallas Morning News reports.


The sisters returned home to renew their ties to the community and to honor the big sister who was killed in a drive-by shooting in Compton in 2003.

With Donald Trump‘s surprising win over Hillary Clinton last week, the world seems to be getting more and more mean-spirited everyday. A California middle school teacher is under fire after being recorded telling minority students that their parents would be deported, leaving them to be placed in foster care following Trump’s victory. According to reports, […]

Zena Stephens says her victory is significant for girls and minorities in the community. Some voters crossed party lines and voted for the Democrat.

The University of Pennsylvania is on edge over a cyber threat targeting Black freshmen. Investigators identify a University of Oklahoma suspect in an ongoing probe.

"The election of Donald Trump has emboldened the forces of hate and bigotry in America," retiring Nevada Sen. Harry Reid said in a statement.


Here is a list of some of the possible Executive Branch appointments being touted for President-elect Trump's administration.

The EJI’s “Lynching In America: Targeting Black Veterans” report documents the physical violence and social humiliation African-American service people faced in the United States.