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3. The Stop-and-Start Method

This somewhat frustrating method is better left as a solo mission. Commonly referred to as “edging,” the stop-and-start method is all about reaching that point of no return… and returning anyways. The goal here is not to drive you mad, but rather to help you become more comfortable with a heightened sense of pleasure. By learning when you must stop and when you can start, you’ll also recognize when to yield so to savor the moment.

4. Change The Way You Have Sex

Find your happy place and stay away. If doggie style isn’t lasting a while, it may be time to take a walk. If those quick thrusts lead to quick climax, it’s time to reevaluate the situation. Pleasure is important, but there is no need to go from 0 to 60, especially when cruising at a steady pace can make for such an enjoyable ride. Try less stimulating positions or slower movements to help savor the moment and gain better control.

5. Try a Desensitizing Spray

Rumor has it there are more extreme methods to holding off an orgasm (i.e. picturing your great aunt naked), but who wants to do that? For a more predictable and enjoyable solution, many experts recommend a fast-absorbing desensitizing spray, such as Promescent. Unlike other treatments, which come with a bevy of side effects and even worse, can transfer numbness to your partner, Promescent is FDA-approved to give guys better control down-under. Because it only absorbs at the outermost layer of skin, Promescent gives greater control, without sacrificing your or your partner’s sensory feeling, and that makes everyone happy.

Happy traveling!

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