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1. President Obama sympathizes with Trayvon Martin’s parents.

“I think all of us were troubled by what happened, and any of us who are parents can imagine the heartache that those parents went through,” Obama said. “It doesn’t mean that Trayvon was a perfect kid, none of us were…You’re a teenager, especially a teenage boy, you’re gonna mess up and you won’t always have the best judgment.

“But what I think all of us agree to,” he added, “is that we should have a criminal justice system that is fair, that’s just, and what I wanted to try to explain was why this was a partiuclalry sensitive topic for African-American families because a lot of people who have sons know the experience they had being followed or being viewed suspiciously.”

4 Highlights From President Obama’s’The Tonight Show with Jay Leno’ Visit  was originally published on

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