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The third season of “Being Mary Jane” is about to premiere and I can’t wait!

Not all of my ladies on Team Beautiful love this BET drama starring the gorgeous Gabrielle Union. However, I am an unapologetic and diehard fan! The cast is one of the best looking groups of actors I’ve seen on any television show and the plot lines keep me tuning in every week. More than that, Rashida Blalock and Provi Fulp Ramphal, the women styling Mary Jane Paul for each episode, most definitely are my sisters from another mother. I swear that every time Mary Jane appears on-screen, she’s either wearing something straight out of my closet or something that I would die to have.

But outside of Mary Jane’s breathtaking looks, her killer wardrobe, her fabulous Atlanta home and her (albeit rocky) love life with some of the finest men in the world, it’s who she is as a character that makes the show compelling.

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Mary Jane isn’t exactly the ordinary woman. She’s a local celebrity with some serious money that has allowed her to live a comfortable life without help from anyone. Yet, she is still relatable because she is a hard-working and passionate person that is fighting through her flaws and dilemmas just like everyone else.

Since Season 1, viewers have watched Mary Jane grapple with losing the love of her life, David (Stephen Bishop), due to chasing after success in her career. We’ve watched her kill her demons by ending her affair with a married man, Andre (Omari Hardwick), to suppress her unfulfilled dreams of building her own family. She struggles to figure out who her true friends are versus who are the people she simply puts up with due to their history together—like her jealous and backstabbing girlfriend, Lisa, who suffers from depression.

She does her best to help her family despite her frustrations with her ornery mother Helen (played by the legendary Margaret Avery), as well as her needy, less successful relatives like her brothers Paul Jr. (B.J. Britt), Patrick (Richard Brooks) and her niece, Niecy (Raven Goodwin). And through it all, Mary Jane stumbles to find her own happiness through accepting who she is while curbing her indulgence in alcohol to manage her stress and loneliness.

MUST READ: Gabrielle Union Reveals Whitney Houston Inspired Her To Star In ‘Being Mary Jane’

No, I certainly wouldn’t want to be Mary Jane. This pretty lady has a whole lot of problems that I really hope won’t be in the cards for me—particularly when I’m an independent 38-year-old woman sitting on the material wealth that’s been earned after years of grinding away in the journalism industry just like she is. I’ll just take her shoes and her sexy car, thank you very much.

Frankly, I wouldn’t be friends with her in real life, either. She’s an emotional wreck and an extremely vengeful biatch when you get on her bad side. But at the end of the day, her dysfunctional life makes for some damn good television.

If you haven’t been watching Being Mary Jane, these are just a handful of the biggest and wildest moments from the show that will definitely make you want to start tuning in:

1. MJ Ran Into Her Boyfriend While Shopping—And His Wife

Lordt. This was embarrassing for me and for MJ. Right after she found out that the man she’d been dating was married, Mary Jane bumped into him and his wife at one of her favorite boutiques. Talk about insult to injury! Thankfully, the wife was clueless, but not for long…

2. MJ’s Maid Got A Nasty Little Surprise While Cleaning House

One of the best parts of Being Mary Jane is watching the steamy sex scenes the leading lady has with all of the fine ass men she drags to her lavish home. (They’re all cute but David is by far my favorite!) Mary Jane may be miles away from living out her dream of walking down the aisle, but she sure does have a wonderful and active sex life. The only problem is that her maid has to deal with the less glamorous and gag-worthy results of that. More than once, that poor woman has come across one of MJ’s used condoms while cleaning up her house. Ewwww.

3. MJ Committed A Theft To Get Pregnant

As you can see, Mary Jane has a crazy side. This girl wanted a baby so bad that she held onto one of David’s old condoms after they were intimate and froze it so that she could get pregnant. This bish seriously thought she could have a baby by using a turkey baster! Of course, it was an epic fail. MJ later found out that she has fertility problems—on live television—after an unsuccessful attempt at an egg-freezing procedure.

Can you believe that David loved her enough to take her back after this anyway? And then she shut him down afterwards because she was too scared of them building a life together? Just insane. SMH.

4. MJ Caught Her Married Dad’s Nose Wide Open For The Woman Next Door

Mary Jane and her mother may have a slightly strained relationship, but that doesn’t stop MJ from having her mother’s back when she senses another woman trying to steal mama’s territory. Some skeevy woman in the neighborhood tried to make moves on MJ’s very married father when she found out that Helen was suffering from a terminal illness. Like the good daughter that she is, MJ swooped in on that situation like an Air Force One pilot. It gets worse—the woman was flirting with MJ’s dad in their own family home! With Helen upstairs! The thirst is sooooo real.

5. Baby Girl Barfed In Her Yard-And Peed In Her Bed

I really, really wish this weren’t true, but it is. Let’s just say that MJ doesn’t handle her stress well and all that drinking catches up to her sometimes. We all have some not so proud moments, don’t we?

6. MJ Walked In On Her Niece Getting It On With Her First Baby Daddy

If you think MJ is a handful, you should meet her niece, Niecy. (Clever naming, right?) Niecy is MJ’s favorite niece that has a little bit of a fun, adventurous, wild side. Niecy also has two young children by two different fathers and is barely out of high school. She struggles to get by without help from her family, a habit that has caused for some tension between her and Mary Jane. Things got really crazy one day when Mary Jane came home one day to find Niecy having sex with the father of her first child in Mary Jane’s bed! This was a family event I think we all would have skipped out on if we could.

7. MJ Introduced Us To The Lovely Mr. “Cutty Buddy”

I have to say, MJ’s special little cuffing companion is a little too beefcake for me, but I have to admit that he’s very handsome. Cutty Buddy (yes, that what he’s actually referred to on the show) makes some special appearances when Ms. Mary Jane is feeling a little lonely and needs a pick me up. I ain’t mad at her.

8. MJ Posed As Her Gay Best Friend’s Fiancée

Oh Mark. On the surface, it looks like he has it all with his leading job as an anchor at SNC and his comfortable lifestyle that rivals Mary Jane’s. But his personal life among his family and friends is just as chaotic as MJ’s. For years he tried to cover up the fact that he was gay to his parents, using Mary Jane as a stand-in girlfriend to replace his companion Eric whenever they came over. Yet mother always knows best and she completely blew Mark’s cover in front of his father during Season 2. Can you say “awkward?”

9. MJ Played Superwoman By Trying To Save A Trafficking Victim

You can knock MJ for a lot of things but you have to give her credit for having a lot of heart. In one episode, she got really invested in a story she was working on for her show, “Talkback” addressing the commercial sex industry. In fact, MJ got so into the story that she met up with a child sex trafficking victim and tried to get her out of the life by buying the sex worker’s freedom. Despite MJ’s best efforts, it turned out to be a scam by the young girl’s pimp. I was as devastated as MJ was.

10. MJ Got The Tea On Her Boyfriend’s Weird Habits In Bed From A Shopgirl

MJ’s most recent boyfriend, Sheldon, turned out to be quite the charmer—and quite the weirdo. MJ learns that Sheldon had a reputation for chasing skirts and for projecting his strange practices in the bedroom onto the ladies he’d bring back to his lion’s den. What do I mean by strange? Let’s just say that he like to avoid reaching the mountaintop for absurdly long periods of time. Maybe this wouldn’t be so weird for Mary Jane if Sheldon hadn’t been abstaining from having sex with her for their entire relationship.

11. MJ Called A White Guest On Her Show An ‘Ugly Black Woman’

Yes, somehow they managed to fit this random yet memorable moment into the plotline. On her big night when she got to fill in for her rival Cynthia Phillips on “Primetime,” SNC’s flagship evening news program, MJ decided to turn things up a notch by getting into an epic argument about charter schools with her guest. When driving home her point about how both of them were women fighting to be heard and taken seriously, MJ compared her White female guest to the “ugly Black woman” whose voice has been marginalized and distorted by mainstream narratives. Deep point, if not a little hard to follow.

12. MJ Got Into The Showdown Of A Lifetime With Her Best Friend Lisa Over David

I have to say, Mary Jane can be a pretty crappy friend sometimes. One day, Lisa came over to talk about MJ’s poor lifestyle choices after MJ found out that she was infertile on national TV. Then MJ took a cheap shot at Lisa, criticizing her for using oral sex as a substitution for intercourse and acting holier than her friends. I was floored by MJ’s swift, unforeseen and catty attack at her friend. But then the bomb was dropped on why Lisa and MJ are such horrible frenemies to one another and what they’re really arguing about. Lisa is still sour that Mary Jane dated David, even though MJ knew Lisa had feelings for him. That ish was so high school (and juicy as Hell)!

13. MJ Played Her Brother Paul In Front Of All Her Friends

MJ isn’t a particularly good friend and she isn’t a great sister, either. One night, she and her little brother Paul Jr. got into a heated debate about Black life in America during a dinner party with MJ’s friends. When Paul suggested that Mary Jane and her peoples were bougie and out of touch, MJ took yet another took shot at one of her loved ones by cruelly making fun of him for still living with their parents. MJ ruined the party for everybody with that low blow. Mary Jane’s habit of throwing around major shade seems to run in the family. Paul made sure he had the last word by taunting Mary Jane for being left behind by David for a White woman. I guess they really know how to get under each other’s skin…

14. MJ’s Boyfriend Tried To Get Close To Her By Acting As If He Wanted Marriage & Kids

Sheldon may have been fine AND filthy rich, but he should never have gotten anywhere close to Mary Jane. Despite knowing that Mary Jane was looking to tie the knot and make some babies, Sheldon deaded her, saying that he wasn’t even interested in cohabitation. Translation: Sheldon preferred to live side by side in two different condos rather than be with Mary Jane in the same home. For once, Mary Jane stood up to her man’s BS, packed her bags and never looked back.

15. MJ Almost Lost Her Career By Getting Into A Horrible Car Accident

Now this is where things open up directly to Season 3. In last season’s finale, things got really crazy when MJ overheard Lisa arguing with David about him taking advantage of her when she was vulnerable by leading her on, about her giving him oral sex on the down low and about her investing thousands of dollars into David’s company. Of course, all of this was done behind MJ’s back and she was quite in a state of shock when she heard their conversation through her cell phone after David butt-dialed her.

The incident wouldn’t have been nearly as tragic if MJ hadn’t been driving in the rain at the time and ended up crashing with another car. Now we’re left to see: just how much Mary Jane was injured from the crash, how much money she might get sued for the accident from the other victim, and whether her face is still intact enough for her to keep her spot as SNC’s queen bee for the “Primetime” evening news program.

I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to see what happens next! Make sure to watch Being Mary Jane when Season 3 premieres Tuesday 10/20 on BET.


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These 15 Shocking Moments Are The Reasons Why You Should Be Watching ‘Being Mary Jane’  was originally published on