J Mac’s Word of the Day™ is eschew. To avoid or shun deliberately. Do not do so to the lessons of the past, as we move into the new year.

J Mac’s Word of the Day™ is hell. Heaven for sinners. Life without hope. Death without redemption. Don’t wallow in one of your own creation.

J Mac’s Word of the Day™ is antediluvian. Extremely primitive, outmoded. Racism. Classism. The caste system. Nepotism. Mistreating women.

J Mac’s Word of the Day™ is constitution. The basis of our freedoms. What we’re made of. Order from blood, sacrifice and wisdom. The law.

J Mac’s Word of the Day™ is community. Where you’re from. The people that support and love you no matter where you’re from. The Earth.

J Mac’s Word of the Day™ is arrested. What too often happens to the development of those incarcerated. Don’t be a statistic. Stay free. 12 hours ago

J Mac’s Word of the Day™ is father. Strong, Resolute. Supportive. Role model. There for his kids even when he’s not. Never just a paycheck.

J Mac’s Word of the Day™ is finitio. Finished Italian style. See: guys in skinny jeans, #haters and the first two weeks of NBA season.

J Mac’s Word of the Day™ is juggernaut. A massive, unstoppable force that crushes everything in its path. Synonyms: Steve Jobs, Jay Z, You?

J Mac’s Word of the Day™ is mother. Strong. Resolute. Too many times alone these days. She cooks, clean, raises and praises our future.

J Mac’s Word of the Day™ is ignorance. Lack of knowledge does not imply stupidity. The continued refusal to learn, however, leads to it.