
As revelations surrounding the film Concussion, which explores the relationship between football and CTE, continue to make waves across the NFL, one high school student has turned down 12 football scholarships.

Wellesley names its first African-American president. Dr. Paula A. Johnson plans to build on the college's commitment to diversity.

Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders clashed Thursday on issues of race and immigration at the most recent debate as the race heads to South Carolina, where voters of color are key to winning next week's primary race.

Streep was asked by an Egyptian reporter at a press conference whether the jury would be able to relate to or process films from the Middle East and Africa. Streep honestly admitted she didn't know much about policies in either region, but said we're all humans - and specifically - we're all from Africa.

Following outrage that the city of Cleveland would charge the estate of a 12-year-old boy fatally shot by police with his last ambulance ride, Mayor Frank Jackson apologized, dropping the $500 claim.

The medical examiner's report lists 21 gunshot wounds, several to Mario Woods' back. The 26-year-old was grazed in the face by a bullet.

  A Detroit cop is in hot water after making offensive remarks about Beyonce‘s Super Bowl 50 halftime performance and her backup dancers. A sergeant for the Detroit Police Department posted a photo on Facebook contrasting the singer’s dancers with an image of the Ku Klux Klan in what can only be assumed to be […]

The FBI on Thursday arrested 46 current and former Georgia correction officers in a statewide drug trafficking operation, reports CNN. The arrests came after a two-year federal investigation United States Attorney for the Northern District of Georgia John Horn announced details of the arrests and the FBI’s raids at the nine prisons where the trafficking took […]

Rookie NYPD officer Peter Liang, who gunned down unarmed Akai Gurley in the darkened stairwell of a Brooklyn public housing project, was found guilty of manslaughter late Thursday, reports the New York Daily News. Liang faces up to 15 years in prison when he is sentenced later this year. News of the verdict spread rapidly across social media mostly because it represents […]

Some school districts are pursuing classroom racial diversity through socioeconomic integration strategy. Studies say diversity narrows the academic achievement gap.

School officials in Henrico County, Va., apologize to parents for showing students a racial discrimination video during Black History Month. The parents complained that it promoted white guilt.

In a major step in the aftermath of Eric Garner's death, which touched off a nationwide movement against police brutality, federal prosecutors began presenting evidence to a grand jury on Wednesday, reports The New York Times.