
Michael Sykes, fugitive suspected of stabbing his girlfriend and all three of her small children with a kitchen knife in a brutal attack, was arrested on Saturday, ending a four-day manhunt. Police said that Sykes was last seen on surveillance footage Wednesday heading to the Staten Island Ferry shortly after the fatal attack, and a call to his mother […] U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was found dead Saturday morning in Texas. According to reports, Scalia arrived at a luxury resort Friday and attended a private party there. When he didn’t show up to a breakfast Saturday morning before a hunting trip, a resort employee found Scalia’s body in his room. He died in his […]

Parents of former Little League baseball players from the Jackie Robinson West team in Chicago have sued multiple parties over scrutiny their children faced after they were stripped of their national title two years ago.

Remember James Robertson of Detroit, who grabbed worldwide headlines last year after it came to light that he walked 21 miles daily to get to work? Well, he's now 57 and his life has changed dramatically.

A Craigslist meet-up to exchange some Air Jordan sneakers went tragically wrong on Friday.


Unarmed Samuel DuBose was shot by University of Cincinnati police officer Ray Tensing during a stop for a minor traffic infraction.

An Ohio police officer was placed on administrative leave this week after making insensitive comments about the death of a Black Lives Matter activist, ABC News reports. Lee Cyr commented, “Love a happy ending” on a Facebook news post about the suicide of MarShawn McCarrel. The 23-year-old reportedly shot himself in front of the Ohio statehouse on […]


Marley Dias, the 11-year-old who made headlines for being frustrated with a lack of representation in children’s books has received an outpouring of support.

In the first two months of 2016, there have been a reported seven school shootings.

President Obama plans to nominate acting education secretary John King to the department's top post. This comes after the Republican-led Senate signaled its readiness to swiftly approve the nomination.

As revelations surrounding the film Concussion, which explores the relationship between football and CTE, continue to make waves across the NFL, one high school student has turned down 12 football scholarships.

Wellesley names its first African-American president. Dr. Paula A. Johnson plans to build on the college's commitment to diversity.