(Undated)  —  Today is “National Hugging Day.”  January 21st has been deemed a day to “hug it out” and while it may seem corny, your body actually benefits from the simple outburst of emotion.  Researchers say people who experience high levels of social support and get hugged often have a decreased risk for getting sick when stressed.  […]

If you didn’t already know its INTERNATIONAL HUG DAY! Like the pastor says ‘turn to ya neighbor‘ and give them a hug. Spread some love today it’ll be good for you literally. There are studies out that say hugs are good for your health because hugging someone you care about can ease stress and anxiety, lower […]

Nick Cannon Wants To Break Record For Hugging Mariah Carey’s hubby is preparing to show his softer side this week, now that he’s aiming to break the record for most hugs received in an hour. This Friday Nick Cannon, host of the Rollin with Nick Cannon Morning Show on 92.3 NOW, is teaming up with […]