
On Thursday March 9th, Brooklyn’s prestigious Borough Hall stood illuminated in a glow of purple, red, and green as various influencers and artists gathered to witness Icon Talks honor a true hip-hop legend: entertainment mogul and philanthropist John David Jackson, better known as F-A-B-O-L-O-U-S. Taking place on the 20th Anniversary of The Notorious B.I.G.’s untimely death, a […]

How do you measure the validity of an artist? Album sales? Followers on social media? Financial status? Today is the 20th Anniversary of Tupac’s death. Over 20 years later and people still regard him as “TBE”. I love how passionate he was when discussing real life issues. Honestly, that’s what probably makes him so powerful. […]

  Today the movie “Waiting To Exhale” turns 20 years old! Remember “Waiting To Exhale” with 4 of the most popular songs below: