J Mac’s Word of the Day™ is eschew. To avoid or shun deliberately. Do not do so to the lessons of the past, as we move into the new year.

J Mac’s Word of The Day™callipygian. Having well-shaped buttocks. Find your own examples my friends. Some things are best done by oneself!


J Mac’s Word of the Day is decolletage. A low neckline on a woman’s dress or top. What too many female artist rely on in place of talent

J Mac’s Word of the Day™ is induratize. To harden the heart. If you don’t have a plan for today already, you might do this to your girl.

J Mac’s Word of the Day™ is abasia. Inability to walk caused by a defect in muscular coordination. The lucky suffer it Valentine’s Night.

Mac’s Hip Hop Health Tip: Hips don’t lie! Just because you think you don’t eat a lot, doesn’t mean it’s true. Chart your calories daily.


J Mac’s Word of the Day™ is cachinnation. Raucous laughter. @ZROMOCITYDON triggered cachinnation from the crowd with his basketball skills.

J Mac’s Word of the Day™ is candy. Sometimes sweet, others sour. Delicious, but too much can hurt you. Cameo put it best, “It’s like candy!”

J Mac’s Word of the Day™ is facilitate. Make an action or process easier. What the civil rights movement did for black progress in the USA.